Christian single have lots of things to consider before the commit to a serious relationship. Yes there are lots of questions about money, sex, kids, and career goals. But what about religion? It’s kind of a big deal and has to be discussed early on, and can really help you figure out if the relationship has serious potential or not.
That being said, here are some really important questions to ask and discuss honestly. Afterwards, you then get to decide if these are deal breakers or just minor issues you get deal with. But don’t fool yourself. What seems like a small deal now may in fact become a much bigger issue as you get older and if you decide to try to have children.
Consider this list a great discussion starter.
Is religion important to you? Why or why not?
Tell me about the faith of your parents
Is it important to you to continue on in their faith tradition?
On a scale of 1-10, how important is it to “live out” your faith on a daily basis?
Who is God?
What is our human purpose on this planet?
Do you believe in an afterlife and if so, what does a person do to get there?
Who is Jesus?
On a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you go to church?
How many Sundays per month do you presently attend church?
Who was the most spiritually influential person in your life and why?
Do you presently tithe and/or regularly give an offering?
Do you think it is important to serve others in ministry? Have you done this in the past or are you presently doing so?
What type of spiritual practices are you involved in to grow in your faith?
What is your favourite Bible story and why?
What is a Christian?
What do you think about the Trinity?
Share your personal experience of “salvation” and what does this mean to you?
What do you think about sex before marriage?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in your life?
KJ is a husband, father, and Registered Psychotherapist with Bayridge Counselling Centre in Brampton/Mississauga. He works as a relationship coach and began TWOgetherONE as a resource for people in relationships (that pretty much covers everyone).